Senin, 16 Januari 2012


for the first time...
CV, baru tau caranya nyontek2 punya kakak... hehehehe
buat belajar, yuk simak... :D

1. English Language CV


Name : Ira Wahidinia
Date of Birth : Bekasi, 28 November XXXX
Age : 1000 years old
Address : Taman Wisma Asri Jl. Markisa Raya Blok D 20 No. 14 Teluk
Pucung Bekasi Utara 17121
Phone Number : +62 857
E-mail address :

• University
State University of Jakarta (UNJ)
Faculty of Social Science, major: Political and Social Science – Public Relations
• High School
SMA Mutiara 17 Agustus
Year of Graduation: 2009
• Junior High School
SMP N 3 Bekasi
Year of Graduation: 2006
• Elementary School
SDN Teluk Pucung Asri
Year of Graduation: 2003

• Executive Organization Of College Students Majoring In Social Science Of Political (HMJ), 2011 – 2012, Head of Department Advocacy.
• Executive Organization Of College Students Majoring In Social Science Of Political (HMJ), 2010 – 2011, Member of Department Advocacy.
• Students Art Unit, State University of Jakarta (UKM UNJ), 2009 – 2012, Member.
• Intra-School Students Organization SMA Mutiara 17 Agustus (OSIS), 2007 – 2008, Head of Departement Independence.
• Intra-School Students Organization SMA Mutiara 17 Agustus (OSIS), 2006 – 2007, Member of Departement Independence.
• Futsal SMA Mutiara 17 Agustus, 2006 – 2008, Secretary.
• PMR SMP N 3 Bekasi, 2003 – 2004, Member.

• Certificate of Table Manner Course from The Management of The Acacia Jakarta, 2011.
• Certificate of Participation at Seminar “Citizen Journalizm and New Media” from, 2011.
• Certificate of Photography Training “Fotografi Sebagai Media Informasi dan Komunikasi”, 2010.
• Certificate of Participation at Visits to Indonesia Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia) and Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi), 2010.
• Certificate of Participation at Students Leadership Training “Looking for Future Leader”, 2010.
• Certificate of Completed Training and Developing Microsoft Office with score: GOOD from Mutiara 17 Agustus, 2007.

• Languages: Indonesia (native), English (intermediate).
• Computer skills : Ms. Windows, Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Ms. Publisher, Internet, Corel Draw, Photo Shop, Photo Scape.
• Art skills: Choir.
• Interests: organization, journal, sports, arts, adventure, entrepreneurship.

*agak berantakan, belum di edit, mau ngedit tapi ngantuk (ntaran aja yaaa editnyaaa... -,-zZZ)

2. CV Bahasa Indonesia


Nama : Ira Wahidinia
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Bekasi, 28 November XXXX
Usia : 1000 years old
Alamat : Taman Wisma Asri Jl. Markisa Raya Blok D 20 No. 14
Teluk Pucung Bekasi Utara 17121
Telepon : +62 857
E-mail :

• Perguruan Tinggi
Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)
Faakultas Ilmu Sosial, jurusan: Ilmu Sosial Politik – Public Relations
• Sekolah Menengah Atas
SMA Mutiara 17 Agustus
Tahun Lulus: 2009
• Sekolah Menengah Pertama
SMP N 3 Bekasi
Tahun Lulus: 2006
• Sekolah Dasar
SDN Teluk Pucung Asri
Tahun Lulus: 2003

• Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Sosial Politik (HMJ), 2011 – 2012, Kepala Biro Advokasi.
• Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Sosial Politik (HMJ), 2010 – 2011, Anggota Biro Advokasi.
• Unit Kesenian Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UKM UNJ), 2009 – 2012, Anggota.
• Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah SMA Mutiara 17 Agustus (OSIS), 2007 – 2008, Kepala Bagian Kemerdekaan.
• Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah SMA Mutiara 17 Agustus (OSIS), 2006 – 2007, Anggota Bagian Kemerdekaan.
• Futsal SMA Mutiara 17 Agustus, 2006 – 2008, Sekretaris.
• PMR SMP N 3 Bekasi, 2003 – 2004, Anggota.

• Sertifikat Table Manner Course dari The Management of The Acacia Jakarta, 2011.
• Sertifikat Peserta Seminar “Citizen Journalizm and New Media” dari, 2011.
• Sertifikat Peserta Pelatihan Fotografi “Fotografi Sebagai Media Informasi dan Komunikasi”, 2010.
• Sertifikat Peserta Kunjungan Ke Bursa Efek Indonesia dan Mahkamah Konstitusi, 2010.
• Sertifikat Peserta Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa Jurusan “Looking for Future Leader”, 2010.
• Sertifikat Penyelesaian Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Microsoft Office dengan nilai: BAIK dari Mutiara 17 Agustus, 2007.

• Bahasa : Indonesia, Inggris (menengah).
• Komputer : Ms. Windows, Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point,
Ms. Publisher, Internet, Corel Draw, Photo Shop, Photo Scape.
• Kesenian : Paduan Suara.
• Minat : organisasi, jurnal, olahraga, kesenian, petualangan, wirausaha.


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